N95 Mask Deemed Essential

The N-95 mask is strongly recommended as cloth face covers are not compelling enough, and mask mandates will continue to roll in. Especially with new and more contagious variants of the coronavirus sweeping the nation. What`s the difference in these face masks? What is N95? Where can you find N95 masks still for sale? Do you know where are n95 masks for sale? Let`s discuss the most recent coverage, medical guidance, and who must wear them. We also discuss the science behind the data. Find out where you can buy N95 masks.

The Resurgence of COVID

Just as we thought they were done with the restrictive pandemic regulations and mandates, they are back with the widespread of COVID-19. The new, even more contagious COVID variant seems to have reversed all progress made in the last 18 months. Make sure you have a mask. You should make sure that it works. The Delta Strain Although even more newly evolved variants of the coronavirus are expected to be spreading undetected so far, Delta has rocked the country again. Delta appears to have evolved to be far more transmissible than original strains seems to be affecting all ages. The American Academy of Pediatrics recorded an 85% increase in infection rates in children within the first few days of August. This comes on the heels of a 19% rise in positive cases among children over the week before. Hospitals are again reportedly putting a hold on elective surgeries. Some patients already see ERs overwhelmed and are now using ambulances to triage them.

Returning Restrictions

Sadly, it appears that we are returning to all of the pandemic restrictions of 2020. The issue of requiring travelers to have vaccinations is hot. Though at the time of publishing this, it was still possible to travel between most US states. Recent rules issued by the FHFA, CFPB, and CFPB provide a new foreclosure moratorium that will last until at least 2022. The FHFA recently issued A new ban on evictions was put into place from Halloween through the first week in August 2021. Too many people were forced to go outside out of fear. They should be staying inside more. Some politicians even advocate blanket assistance to cover water and electric services and prevent cutoffs. Major employers like Wells Fargo and Apple have backtracked on plans to return to the office. Or they have put them on hold indefinitely The most significant and widespread change is likely to be new mask mandates.


According to the most recent data from the US Census Bureau (CDC), on August 5th, 2021, vaccinations seem to have stalled. With only around 50% of the population being vaccinated. Others are lower. Texas only had 30% of its population immunized. California and Florida were still under 50%. this trend may have stalled as no amount bribes seem capable of moving the needle. You won`t get scratch-off tickets or cash. Officials struggle to convince more people to get jabbed as more questions are raised about vaccines. Even though they went door to door. Regardless of vaccination status, everyone is being told to wear masks again. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Francis Collins has even appeared on the news saying that vaccinated parents should be wearing masks in their homes to protect their children. Although vaccinations may reduce the risk of death and hospitalizations in some cases, they cannot replace masks. Some might conclude that masks can be even more effective than vaccines to stop the spread of infection.

New Mask Mandates

US News & World Report reports that at least 16 US States and Territories have mask mandates. This number is expected to rise dramatically in the coming days. In addition to many local governments instituting their mandates and laws. Even cities and businesses in Texas and Florida are installing their mask mandates. Even while their governors have held out against them. Michael Osterholm is an epidemiologist and Biden COVD advisor. He has declared cloth masks ineffective and asks everyone who does not have one to buy N-95 respirator faces.

The Need For A N95 Mask

Cloth masks which are now sold in most stores, are considered to not be very effective at protecting you or others. This includes bandanas, neck gaiters, homemade masks, and `fashion` masks. They do not provide sufficient filtration protection. Most do not wash these masks or throw them away after each use as they should. They don`t have the proper fitting or seal to stop infected air from getting in. N95 respirators are professional-level masks. Professionals can use NIOSH approves them, and they have been scientifically evaluated to meet high-level standards. The 95 rating specifies that they have been tested and proven to keep out 95% of all airborne particulates, down to 3 microns in size. N95 masks cannot be re-used. Except in extreme circumstances. Though top suppliers do offer affordable options. N99 mask maybe your best option. These respirators can filter 99 percent of the airborne particles.

Why The Delay In This N-95 Mask Recommendation?

N95 respirator masks on its website. To reduce the cost of N95 masks as well as to maintain supplies for healthcare professionals, they minimized their importance at the start of the pandemic. The question is where to buy n95 mask? They have now declared them needed due to the new, more contagious virus. Of course, you may even double layer them if you want to be fashionable as well as safe. A designer cloth mask could be worn over an N95 respirator.

N95 Masks For Sale

Only by n95 mask for sale that display the official NIOSH mark and an approval number. The best choice to avoid counterfeits is to purchase them directly from certified manufacturers like bielcor.com.