Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Boosting Your Confidence for Career Growth

Do you ever find yourself doubting your abilities on the job? Do you wonder how you got where you are and how you will continue to move ahead? Do feelings of inadequacy hinder your ability to take on new,more challenging work?

These are all signs of imposter syndrome,which can be a big roadblock in your career. The good news is that many successful people face it. The bad news is that you have to address it. Otherwise,it could wind up costing you future promotions or opportunities.

To help you grow in confidence and kick imposter syndrome to the curb,here are some tips to keep in mind:

Think about what you’ve achieved.

You likely have many successes and wins over the years. Think about these and even write them down,so you can reflect on them and absorb your many achievements. This isn’t about bragging. It is about how you see yourself,so you can begin to form a more positive self-image,one you can turn to when the negative self-talk creeps in.

Keep a “win” file.

Beyond simply thinking about your achievements,document your successes,as well,whether it’s writing them down or saving files or documents of positive performance Reviews or feedback from a customer. Not only will this help you boost your confidence,but it will help you stand out when you’re looking to get promoted or find a new job.

Get positive feedback from people you trust.

If you really are having trouble with imposter syndrome and it’s holding you back,seek some feedback from those you trust,whether it’s colleagues or family,or friends. They can work with you to provide positive affirmations and help you to see the accomplished professional you are.

Many successful professionals,even at the highest levels,experience imposter syndrome. So don’t let it get you down. Do,however,deal with it so it doesn’t have a negative impact on your career progression.

Ready to move up and out in your job?

Turn to Provisional Recruiting. As a leading employment Agency serving the Spokane,WA area and Coeur d’Alene,ID,we can connect you with rewarding jobs that are the right fit for you. search our jobs now with the link below.

Provisional | Boosting Confidence